EDCTP requests proposals for conference management services

18 October 2017

EDCTP is soliciting proposals from conference management companies for the provision of services for the Ninth EDCTP Forum to be held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal during the week of 17-21 September 2018.

Services to be provided will include:

  • Provision and management of a secure and user-friendly registration system for online registration of delegates from across the globe and processing of online payments;
  • Abstract management from submission through to programme development and printing;
  • Conference website design and content management;
  • Identification of suitable and reasonably priced hotels and making block booking for delegates; and
  • Provision of secretarial support, as required, to the EDCTP Forum Organising Committee during the Forum.


View the full Terms of Reference (PDF) of this request for your proposal.

The EDCTP Forum is a major, high-profile international conference event, which is held every two years in Africa or Europe. It provides a platform for showcasing clinical trials and clinical research on poverty-related diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. The Ninth EDCTP Forum is expected to bring together 700 researchers and policy-makers from across the globe, principally from Europe and Africa. The EDCTP Forum in Lisbon is hosted by EDCTP and the Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal.

Proposals should be submitted on or before midnight 22 November 2017.

For more information, contact Ms Andreia Coelho, EDCTP Administrative Support Officer, coelho@edctp.org, during working hours (Tuesday – Friday, 9.30 -17.30).



EDCTP received the following questions from interested parties:

Question 1: “I would like to enquiry about the possibility of a consortium of two companies, with complemental skills and competencies, submitting a proposal for the overall organization of the Forum? Would this be acceptable? Or do we have to submit a proposal as a sole company? I would very much appreciate your feedback regarding this point”.
Answer: Yes, it is acceptable for a consortium to submit the proposal for overall organisation.

Question 2:  “My other question is if there is a specifications document for the requested services including all the requirements, or if we should follow the topics listed in the website?”
Answer: Please follow the topics listed on the website.

Question 3: Online registration and payment: “Is the selected agency expected to issue invoices to the participants for the registration fee paid?  If so is the case should the invoice be issued in the name of EDCTP , the local host organisation or in the name of the agency ?”
Answer: We are flexible on this; it depends on what the normal practice is. Our preference is for the invoice to be in the name of EDCTP, but we are open to your suggestions and guidance.

Question 4: Abstract management: “From the programme and abstract book of the previous edition of the EDCTP Forum we made an estimated calculation of abstracts presented (including invited speakers) to approximately 130. In order to present a cost for an online abstract submission and evaluation process please  advise the number of abstracts expected to be submitted as well as how many reviewers are involved in the evaluation process.”
Answer: We estimate 400-450 abstracts (oral and poster presentations plus scientific symposia) to be submitted and to use 30 reviewers to evaluate the abstracts.

Question 5: Website: “Please inform if selected agency is expected to create a graphic image for the event and apply this to website design as well as on the various printed materials and signage to be produced?”
Answer: Selected agency is not expected to create the graphic image(s) for the event or design the look and feel of materials. Branding instructions, images and designs will be provided and should be applied in the production of all communication tools and materials as appropriate.

Question 6: Website: “Please inform the foreseen period of time that the website should be housed /active. We see that the site from 2016 is still available on the site of EDCTP, please provide additional information on this matter.”
Answer: EDCTP has indicated in the RfP that the website should be launched by 23 February 2018 and our intention is to have it hosted for six months after the end of the Forum (i.e. up to 31 March 2019). 

Question 7: Printed material: “Please confirm that, besides the cost requested for the paging and production of the programme/abstract book of approximately 200 pages in A4 format in 4/4 colour print , the agency should also include in the budget proposal a cost for the paging and production of the Proceedings of about 90 pages in A4 format and 4/4 colour print.”
Answer: You may budget for the paging and production of the programme/abstract book as pass through costs.

Please note
On 07 November 2017, this message was updated with questions 3-7 from interested parties and the EDCTP answers.
On 02 November 2017, this message was updated with questions 1-2 from an interested party and the EDCTP answers.
On 31 October 2017, the deadline for the submission of proposals was extended from 15 to 22 November 2017.