EDCTP Annual Report 2012 available online

30 July 2013

The interactive EDCTP Annual Report 2012 is now available on the website. It offers access to the complete Annual Report 2012 in three languages namely English, French and Portuguese; and the Financial Statements for 2012 in English (PDF downloads). Moreover, it gives an updated online overview of all EDCTP projects that commenced before 31 December 2012. 

Towards the second EDCTP programme

The theme for the Annual Report is Transition as this period bridges the current mature programme under the Sixth Framework Programme and the coming second phase of EDCTP which is planned to start in January 2014 under Horizon 2020. Preparations included the publishing of the EDCTP Strategic Business Plan for 2014-2024 in May 2012. The business plan highlights the expanded scope of EDCTP which includes neglected infectious diseases and all phases (I-IV) of clinical trials. It underpins the commitment of the European Union and the Participating States to the programme. In November 2012, a High-Level Conference on the second programme was held in Cape Town, South Africa, bringing together European, African and international high-level representatives from policy, industry, patient organisations, non-governmental organisations and research community.

Coordination and Support Action

In order to maintain the momentum of the EDCTP programme and in preparation for the next phase, the European Union awarded EDCTP a Coordination and Support Action Grant (nr. 304786). Activities that are supported under this grant include strengthening of the staffing and systems of the Executive Secretariat, analysis and mapping of the new research areas that EDCTP plans to venture into such as neglected infectious diseases and implementation research on optimisation of health services. The grant is also used to continue supporting capacity building activities.


By the end of 2012, nine years after its launch, EDCTP had awarded 241 grants of which 106 were still active and 105 completed. Among the awarded grants are 88 clinical trials; 31 on HIV/AIDS, 25 on tuberculosis and 32 on malaria. In 2012, EDCTP also awarded Strategic Primer Grants following a call for proposals that was launched in December 2011. The aim of this grant scheme is to support innovative projects that could generate results to inform future clinical trials, strengthen capacity and increase networking. This grant scheme generated a lot of interest.


The Partnership Board (PB) and the Development Countries Coordinating Committee (DCCC), the former independent advisory committees of EDCTP, jointly held their last meeting in October 2012. They were both dissolved at the end of 2012 to prepare for the formation of one Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC).