Farewell Letter from Charles Mgone, EDCTP Executive Director

21 December 2015

After almost a decade at the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), it is an appropriate time for me to move on. My tenure at the organisation has been very rewarding and enjoyable, and I extend my sincere and unreserved gratitude to you for being part of this exciting journey.

During this period, EDCTP has grown into a model of a genuine partnership for responsibly and sustainably accelerating the research and development (R&D) of medical interventions against poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases.

Together we successfully coordinated efforts and national programmes of the participating European and sub-Saharan African states, in collaboration with private sector and international development partners. This included funding of clinical trials and health research capacity development for enhanced research environments.

The organization has funded nearly 250 projects including 100 clinical trials and diagnostic studies that were carried out in 30 different sub-Saharan African countries in collaboration with 14 European states and other partners. Many of these broke new ground and contributed to new national and international guidelines, registration of new medical products or regimen, and health research capacity development and networks. The programme has also supported over 460 fellowships; Masters of Science studentships; doctoral and postdoctoral training; strengthening of around 80 Ethics Review Committees and National Regulatory Authorities; and establishing the Pan-African Clinical Trials Registry.

EDCTP has strengthened and transformed itself from a European Interest Group organisation governed by a few European Union and Associates member states, to an International Association that is jointly owned and governed by European and African States. It has also expanded its mandate beyond HIV, malaria and tuberculosis to include other neglected infectious diseases and all phases of clinical trials including post registration trials and focused implementation research.

These achievements would not have been realised without the help of many who have dedicated their efforts to this cause. These include past and current members of the various EDCTP constituencies such as the Developing Countries Coordinating Committee (DCCC); European Networking Officers (ENO); the Partnership Board (PB); the Strategic Advisory Committee SAC); The EEIG-EDCTP; The EDCTP Association General Assemblies; European Union; Public and Private International Development partners; EDCTP Secretariat; the Scientific Community; research participants and their communities; and many other stakeholders.

As always with every end comes a new beginning. Dr Michael Makanga, who is well known to most of you and has contributed immensely to EDCTP’s success, will take over as the new EDCTP Executive Director starting from 1 January 2016. Indeed he is the most suitable person to take us to new horizons and we should extend our support.

I will remain in touch and continue to support and advocate for EDCTP and remain working in the global health space, particularly in health research capacity development, international cooperation, R&D partnerships, and health policy.



Charles S Mgone MD, MMed, PhD, FRCP


For further contact:

Charles S Mgone
PO Box 65192
Dar es Salaam
Email: csmgone[at]gmail.com