Forum Proceedings and Forum video published

17 November 2014

The Proceedings of the Seventh EDCTP Forum, held in Berlin, Germany from 30 June to 2 July 2014, are published on the EDCTP website today. The report gives a detailed overview of the research results presented and highlights of discussions that took place.

Download the report

English (PDF)

Visible results of the first programme

The detailed Proceedings reflect the fact that the clinical trials and capacity development that have been funded by the programme are beginning to bear tangible fruits.

African research leadership is clearly emerging and getting stronger, forging ahead on the way to African ownership and programme sustainability. In the programme, around 70% of the project coordinators are African scientists, many of them young and up-and-coming.

The ethical and regulatory framework continues to develop with improved ethics review, stronger national regulatory authorities, progressively more complete clinical trial registration and networks of excellence in conducting clinical trials.

In his closing remarks, EDCTP Executive Director Professor Charles Mgone said that he had not attended a Forum where presentations had been consistently of such high standard. He particularly enjoyed the many presentations by young, competent and confident African presenters whose presence and skills illustrated the capacity development that is taking place in sub-Saharan Africa. He added that he is looking forward to having many research leaders from Africa at EDCTP in the future.

Forum video

The Proceedings are accompanied by a video report with highlights from a lively and successful conference where a new, young generation of African researchers made their mark.

Seventh Forum

The Seventh EDCTP Forum took place in Berlin, Germany from 30 June to 2 July 2014 at the Maritim proArte Hotel under the theme: The Partnership journey: New horizon for better health. The Forum was officially opened by Dr Renate Loskill from the Germany’s Federal Ministry for Education and Research. The conference was attended by 359 participants from 43 countries, mainly from Africa and Europe. These included scientific and health care communities, policymakers, regulators, product development partners, research and health funding organisations and foundations, private sector alliances, government representatives and non-governmental organisations.

The Forum programme consisted of 120 oral presentations comprising a wide range of topics including: clinical research on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria; interactions of these three diseases with neglected infectious diseases; cross-cutting topics on health capacity development and networking, policy, ethics and regulatory affairs. The majority of the presentations were by researchers involved in EDCTP-funded projects.

The Forum presentations are available for download in PDF format.


Again EDCTP wishes to express appreciation for the support received towards the Seventh Forum from:

  • The European Commission
  • Agence national de recherche sur le sida (ANRS, France)
  • Federal Ministry of Education and research (BMBF, Germany)
  • Irish Aid (Ireland)
  • Fonds Nationale de la Recherche Luxembourg (FNR, Luxemburg)
  • NACCAP (Netherlands)
  • Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII, Spain)
  • Swedish Development agency (Sida, Sweden)
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC, Switzerland)
  • Medical Research Council (MRC UK, United Kingdom)
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (USA)
  • Biofrabri  (Spain)
  • CAAST-Net Plus (African and European partners)
  • Eurice GmbH (Germany)
  • Global Health Network (United Kingdom)
  • Janssen GPH
  • Merk Serono (Germany)
  • Pharmalys (London, Dakar)
  • Path Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI, USA)
  • Sanofi (France)
  • TB Alliance (USA, Belgium, South Africa)
  • Wellcome Trust (United Kingdom)


See also Our sponsors on the forum website


The EDCTP Forum is a biennial event that provides an international platform for the presentation and discussion of frontier research for everyone involved in combating the three main poverty-related diseases (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria) and their interaction with other neglected infectious diseases, the appropriate capacity development and networking activities. The Forum has established itself as a valuable opportunity to delegates to build and reinforce cooperation and synergy among EDCTP stakeholders.

Reports of previous EDCTP Forums are available on our website.