PanACEA MAMS-TB-01 trial: ‘high-dose rifampicin may help shorten TB treatment’
26 February 2015
Today, the EDCTP-funded PanACEA consortium released a statement on the preliminary results from the MAMS-TB-01 clinical trial which were presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 2015. High-dose (35mg/kg) rifampicin, in combination with standard dose of isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol, showed a significant shortening of time to culture conversion with a covariate-adjusted hazard ratio of 1.75, 95% confidence interval (1.21-2.55) over the 12 weeks of experimental treatment. Data on treatment up to week 26 and post-treatment follow-up will be analysed and reported together with the results mentioned above in the future main publication.