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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable performance measurements used to measure progress against factors that are key to EDCTP’s success. EDCTP has identified KPIs to measure the success and progress of EDCTP to date. The KPIs are measured across the range of EDCTP activities. These KPIs are monitored internally on a monthly basis and updated quarterly on the EDCTP website. There has been no new activities for the first two quarters of 2014.

Value of grants (projects) signed

This reflects the value of contracts signed (cash via EDCTP from EC, Member States and third parties) from June 2003 to 30 December 2013.

Please note: No new grants have been signed in the first half of 2014.

Number of clinical trial/integrated project grants signed

Number of clinical trial and integrated project grants signed from September 2005 until 30 December 2013.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corporis quod omnis ducimus voluptatibus cupiditate.”

Latin quote

Contract negotiation period for new grants

The average period in months between the approval of a proposal by the General Assembly and the signing of the contract by the Project Coordinator. This time period includes actions by both EDCTP Secretariat and the potential grantee. Updated up to 30 December 2013.

Research on HIV/AIDS

The response of EDCTP to the burden of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria is direct and pragmatic: to strengthen and integrate the existing national European and African health research programmes. Furthermore, EDCTP aims to improve the research environment and infrastructure for carrying out clinical trial activities in Africa, and to promote African leadership in the conduct of clinical trials.
