How we work to achieve our objectives
We work in partnership
EDCTP operates as a true partnership of equals between North and South and European and African partners are involved at all levels. With the support of the European Union, EDCTP has established itself as a key contributor to the Africa–EU strategic partnership. See for an essential summary:
We work in partnership to achieve our main objectives.
1. Clinical research
We mainly invest in international collaborative clinical research to accelerate the development of new or improved medical interventions against poverty-related infectious diseases
2. Capacity development in Africa
We invest to increase capacity in sub-Saharan Africa for conducting clinical studies according to the necessary ethical principles and regulatory standards. This comprises support for:
- research training integrated in clinical studies
- a comprehensive fellowship scheme
Explore the EDCTP Alumni Network - support for network building within sub-Saharan Africa
EDCTP-supported Regional Networks - support for development of ethical research review and regulatory capacity in sub-Saharan Africa
3. European research coordination
The implementation of our programme contributes to improve coordination, alignment and integration of European national programmes.
4. Cooperation with public and private partners
Through strategic partnerships we aim to increase international cooperation. This comprises cooperation with public and private partners and interactions with other EU initiatives, including those linked to development aid.
We are committed to transparency
gives acces to information on EDCTP work plan and other strategic activities:
All details and highlights?
Details of our planned calls for proposals and activities are published in the:
Highlights of results, activities and summary financial statements are presented in the Annual Reports.