Our publications come in different formats:

  • online: larger publications such as our Annual report and the Portfolio presentation of our projects
    Go to our online publications
  • digital: many technical documents and all publications from before 2020 are accessible via this page.
  • print: mostly publications for meetings and advocacy regarding specific audiences.


EDCTP brings together European Union Member States plus Norway, sub-Saharan African countries, pharmaceutical companies, small and medium enterprises, product development partnerships and international foundations to…

EDCTP brings together European Union Member States plus Norway, sub-Saharan African countries, pharmaceutical companies, small and medium enterprises, product development partnerships and international foundations to advance the development…

Overview of selected EDCTP-funded clinical studies for medical interventions against poverty-related infectious diseases, 2003-2018. To date, EDCTP has achieved significant success in bringing together researchers…

EDCTP became a signatory to the Joint statement on public disclosure of results from clinical trials on 5 July 2017. This policy document sets out…

Guidance for submitting an application in the EDCTP grant management system EDCTPgrants

This guide for grantees offers practical guidance to ensure acknowledgment of EDCTP and the EU as funders. Last update: October 2024

Sort overview of the EDCTP programme: mission and objectives; how we work; achievements 2014-2017; organisation; portfolio of projects.

Programme booklet for the EDCTP-supported session of the 10th European Congress of Tropical Medicine and International Health in Antwerp, Belgium, 16-20 October 2017.

The EDCTP1 Portfolio presents a synopsis of clinical trial, capacity building and networking projects funded during the first EDCTP programme (2003-2015). Each entry includes a…

03 August 2017

EDCTP Annual Report 2016

This an unofficial English translation of the Articles of Association (in Dutch) of the EDCTP Association established in 2014, as amended on 30 March 2017.

15 September 2014

Africa mapping

Africa mapping is a report on the current state of health research on poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa.

19 June 2014

Annual Report 2013

Annual Financial Statements (PDF)