Our publications come in different formats:
- online: larger publications such as our Annual report and the Portfolio presentation of our projects
Go to our online publications - digital: many technical documents and all publications from before 2020 are accessible via this page.
- print: mostly publications for meetings and advocacy regarding specific audiences.
The objective of the 2018 High-Level Meeting was to help decide the scope and character of a future third EDCTP programme, EDCTP3, and how it…
EDCTP Update December 2018
The EDCTP Update is a monthly electronic newsletter in English, highlighting projects, activities, funding opportunities, events and resources of EDCTP and others.
EDCTP Update November 2018
The EDCTP Update is a monthly electronic newsletter in English, highlighting projects, activities, funding opportunities, events and resources of EDCTP and others.
Engaging African governments to strengthen national health research systems with complementary international collaboration
The EDCTP high-level meeting was organised as a side meeting during the 68th session of the WHO AFRO Regional Committee meeting and took place in Dakar,…
EDCTP Update October 2018
The EDCTP Update is a monthly electronic newsletter in English, highlighting projects, activities, funding opportunities, events and resources of EDCTP and others.
EDCTP Update August-September 2018
The EDCTP Update is a monthly electronic newsletter in English, highlighting projects, activities, funding opportunities, events and resources of EDCTP and others.
EDCTP Annual Report 2017 - Maintaining momentum
EDCTP Newsletter Vol. 13 Nr. 3 - August 2018
Development and strengthening of the national health research systems in sub-Saharan Africa
Report of the EDCTP-WHO kick-off meeting for the project to develop en strengthen the national health research systems in sub-Saharan Africa. The meeting was held…
EDCTP Update July 2018
The EDCTP Update is a monthly electronic newsletter in English, highlighting projects, activities, funding opportunities, events and resources of EDCTP and others.
EDCTP became a signatory to the Joint statement on public disclosure of results from clinical trials on 5 July 2017. This policy document sets out…
EDCTP Update June 2018
The EDCTP Update is a monthly electronic newsletter in English, highlighting projects, activities, funding opportunities, events and resources of EDCTP and others.
Guidance for submitting an application in the EDCTP grant management system EDCTPgrants
EDCTP Update - May 2018
The EDCTP Update is a monthly electronic newsletter in English, highlighting projects, activities, funding opportunities, events and resources of EDCTP and others.
Acknowledging EDCTP: A guide for grantees
This guide for grantees offers practical guidance to ensure acknowledgment of EDCTP and the EU as funders. Last update: October 2024