Our publications come in different formats:
- online: larger publications such as our Annual report and the Portfolio presentation of our projects
Go to our online publications - digital: many technical documents and all publications from before 2020 are accessible via this page.
- print: mostly publications for meetings and advocacy regarding specific audiences.
01 June 2018
EDCTP Annual work plan 2018
The EDCTP Annual work plan describes the EDCTP activities, including all its calls for proposals. The work plan 2018 was approved by the European Commission…
25 May 2018
EDCTP privacy policy
24 April 2018
Independent Observer Report February 2018
12 April 2018
EDCTP Corporate Brochure 2018
Sort overview of the EDCTP programme: mission and objectives; how we work; achievements 2014-2017; organisation; portfolio of projects.
09 February 2018
Co-infections and co-morbidities - EDCTP Stakeholder meeting report
20 December 2016
EDCTP Strategic Research Agenda - version 1 - December 2016
The Strategic Research Agenda gives an overview of EDCTP research funding priorities. Priorities are set in relation to EDCTP’s mission to accelerate the development of…
05 December 2016
EDCTP Strategic Business Plan 2014-2024
Concise version of the original Strategic Business Plan that underpinned the elaboration and initial implementation of the second EDCTP programme. An earlier version of the Strategic…
23 November 2016
EDCTP Stakeholder meeting on diarrhoeal diseases – Report
10 June 2016
Summary of achievements of the first EDCTP programme
10 June 2016
EDCTP Corporate brochure 2016
24 August 2015
European and African clinical research: a bibliometric analysis of publications within the scope of EDCTP2 2003-2011
30 April 2015
EDCTP Corporate brochure 2015
19 December 2013