Our publications come in different formats:
- online: larger publications such as our Annual report and the Portfolio presentation of our projects
Go to our online publications - digital: many technical documents and all publications from before 2020 are accessible via this page.
- print: mostly publications for meetings and advocacy regarding specific audiences.
Engaging African governments to strengthen national health research systems with complementary international collaboration
The EDCTP high-level meeting was organised as a side meeting during the 68th session of the WHO AFRO Regional Committee meeting and took place in Dakar,…
The main purpose of the EDCTP procurement policies is to ensure that there are internal controls over the procurement processes. This manual describes EDCTP policies and…
Tackling infectious disease in sub-Saharan Africa: EDCTP-funded clinical studies for medical interventions 2003-2018
Overview of selected EDCTP-funded clinical studies for medical interventions against poverty-related infectious diseases, 2003-2018. To date, EDCTP has achieved significant success in bringing together researchers…
Development and strengthening of the national health research systems in sub-Saharan Africa
Report of the EDCTP-WHO kick-off meeting for the project to develop en strengthen the national health research systems in sub-Saharan Africa. The meeting was held…
EDCTP became a signatory to the Joint statement on public disclosure of results from clinical trials on 5 July 2017. This policy document sets out…
The EDCTP Strategic Business Plan 2014-2024 is made available as a new edition of the 2016 Strategic Business Plan with minor corrections and in a…
Guidance for submitting an application in the EDCTP grant management system EDCTPgrants
EDCTP Annual work plan 2018
The EDCTP Annual work plan describes the EDCTP activities, including all its calls for proposals. The work plan 2018 was approved by the European Commission…
EDCTP privacy policy
Acknowledging EDCTP: A guide for grantees
This guide for grantees offers practical guidance to ensure acknowledgment of EDCTP and the EU as funders. Last update: October 2024
Independent Observer Report February 2018
EDCTP Corporate Brochure 2018
Sort overview of the EDCTP programme: mission and objectives; how we work; achievements 2014-2017; organisation; portfolio of projects.
Co-infections and co-morbidities - EDCTP Stakeholder meeting report
EDCTP Strategic research agenda -version 2- October 2017
The Strategic Research Agenda gives an overview of EDCTP research funding priorities. Priorities are set in relation to EDCTP’s mission to accelerate the development of…
This sponsored symposium was part (as session 130) of the programme of the 66th Annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene…